Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Field trip to Santa Maria del Mar

On our second field trip, Xavi took our history class to see Santa Maria del Mar. Much like our first field trip, Xavi walked us around old Barcelona and around the area near Santa Maria del Mar. I learned so much on the walk to Santa Maria del Mar about Barcelona and the period much after the Roman times and how Barcelona was changing and evolving. Xavi spoke about how Barcelona was begining to expand and changes were being made in the city becuase of it. The history behind Santa Maria del Mar was very fascinating, but nothing compared to actually seeing it and going inside. The sheer mass and detail BLEW MY MIND. I would be hard for me to go to mass in Sanata Maria del Mar becuase I would be looking around the whole time at the arches and the windows and statues. It was breathe taking. After our field trip was over I wondered around the area near the church for about two hours taking in the beauty and the culture.
(unfortuantly no photos...see previous note on field trip 1)

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